When producer Ron Small contacted my son two years ago about being the subject of a documentary regarding his life and work with disability rights and advocacy, I had no idea what this would encompass and where it might lead. After the initial filming was done in Tokyo in the Fall of 2022, I began to see what Ron was attempting to… READ MORE
Rachel Bookman
When Rachel Bookman was 19 years old, waiting on a heart transplant – she launched a website with the intention of sharing with others what was going on in her life. Fast forward 10 years Rachel is now working with GLIDE FUND INC. to carry on the legacy of her brother Dr. Mark Bookman. We… READ MORE
Ron Small
The makings of “Mark – A Call to Action” began in August of 1978 when I met Paul Bookman (obviously not yet Dr. Bookman) on Day 1 of Tulane University in New Orleans. It is Paul I blame…I mean credit for helping me choose a Major in Anthropology. I had taken so much advanced Science… READ MORE